St. Mary

Catholic Church - Coupeville, WA

  185 N. Oak Harbor St.
     Oak Harbor, WA 98277
  (360) 675-2303
  (360) 675-9490 Fax

Sacramental Preparation


St. Mary’s is pleased to offer excellent Sacramental preparation. The receipt of First Communion and First Confession is offered during 2nd grade catechesis to all children who are baptized in the faith. Preparations will be held during the regular class time with First Communion in May of each year and Confession being received prior to First Communion.

Children above 2nd grade that have yet to receive their First Communion are encouraged to be part of our Special Sacrament class which will be held in the fall and in the spring. Students, 3rd grade through 12th grade, will attend their regularly assigned class and then be asked to attend an additional class in both the fall and spring as a preparation for First Communion and Confession.

Please be sure and notate the need for special sacrament prep on your child’s registration form if he/she is older than 2nd grade.

Confirmation is celebrated within the 12th year of high school.

For those needing to receive the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, First Confession, Confirmation or Matrimony, please contact Mary E. Waters. Her contact information is listed below.

Sacramental Staff

Office Hours: (Closed Tuesdays) | Mon, Wed-Fri, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

(Closed 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm for lunch)

Pastoral Assistant for Sacramental Preparation and Adult Faith Formation

Contact the office if you need help with Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage/Con-Validation preparation or those interested in becoming Catholic (RCIA)

Religious Education Coordinator

Directs the program for children K-12 in religious instruction as well as the youth ministry.

Contact Rowena for help with First Communion or First Confession.