St. Augustine

Catholic Church - Oak Harbor, WA

  185 North Oak Harbor St.
     Oak Harbor, WA 98277
  (360) 675-2303
  (360) 675-9490 Fax


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Help prepare large mailings going out to our parishioners. Help stuff, seal, stamp, and sort the mail in a timely manner.

Office Help:
Receptionist help as needed. Duties could include help answer phones, greeting visitors to the office, and other light office duties. Bulletin Stuffing: Usually following Friday morning Mass.

Mary A. Waters, (360) 675-2303


A variety of devotions including Adoration with the Liturgy of the Hours, Divine Mercy and Novenas for Santa Nino, and Santa Cruz de Mayo.

Eleanor Manni, (360) 675-2303


We serve a hot meal every Monday evening to those in our community who need it. The meal is run with all volunteers and must support itself.

Mary Brady, (360) 675-2303


The ministry of the Altar Server is specifically designed for middle school youth of the parish. They assist the priest with the celebration of liturgical and sacramental services. Initial and ongoing formation is provided.

To function in this ministry one must be a baptized member of the Catholic Church, regular (i.e., weekly) in Sunday worship, and living in harmony with the teachings of the Church.

Typically this ministry is undertaken by elementary and junior high students, but it is also open to high school and college age students. Altar servers must be able to meet the physical demands required of this ministry and must cultivate a sense of reverence and detail for ritual action.

Sara McGrath, (360) 675-2303


Our purpose is to participate in the charitable and educational apostolate of the Church. Through creative and spiritual programs we aim to help each member to develop his or her God-given talents.

Candy Kelly, (360) 675-2303


The choirs at St. Augustine lead the worshiping assemblies in song in our weekly Masses and other major festivals and rites.

There are three distinct parish choirs:

Sunday morning choir

Saturday evening choir

Weekday Guitar Group

The choir season runs from September through Corpus Christi.

Instrumentalists are also welcome to play with the choirs when appropriate. The music ministry is open to all registered parishioners. There are no auditions, but members are expected to attend weekly rehearsals.

Fr. Chris, Saturday/Sunday Choir, Rene and Mimi Abadesco for Filipino Choir: (360) 675-2303;


The Coffee & Donuts program offers an opportunity for our parishioners to socialize after the Sunday Masses. Responsibility of those serving in the program is to prepare the coffee, tea, donuts and juice and leave the hall and kitchen clean.

Joe Higgins, (360) 675-2303


Extraordinary ministers of Communion assist the priests (the “ordinary” ministers of communion) with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. Initial and ongoing formation is provided.

To serve in this ministry, one must be a baptized and confirmed member of the Catholic Church, a registered parishioner of St. Augustine parish, regular (i.e., weekly) in Sunday worship, and living in harmony with the teachings of the Catholic Church (e.g., if a person is married he/she must be in a marriage recognized by the Catholic Church).

Debbie Karney, (360) 675-2303


Provides Holy Communion to those unable to attend Mass and arranges for the sick to receive the Sacraments of Anointing of the Sick and Confession, offering spiritual support to them and their families.

To serve in this ministry, one must be a baptized and confirmed member of the Catholic Church, a registered parishioner of St. Augustine parish, regular (i.e., weekly) in Sunday worship, and living in harmony with the teachings of the Catholic Church (e.g., if a person is married he/she must be in a marriage recognized by the Catholic Church).

Mary E Waters, (360) 675-2303


The Finance Council is a consultative body which provides the pastor with advice concerning stewardship of parish fiscal resources.

Mary A. Waters, (360) 675-2303


Funeral Ministry arranges a reception in the Parish Hall following funeral liturgies upon request of the family. Those who participate in this ministry prepare side dishes such as casseroles, salads or desserts. They also assist in the serving of food and cleaning up after the meal.

This ministry is highly appreciated by the families of those who are grieving the loss of loved ones.

Mary Waters, (360) 675-2303


Our mission is to welcome and assist each person as they enter Church and to create a comfortable environment so our parishioners will be able to pray in peace. All registered individuals and families are welcome to serve in this ministry of hospitality.

Joe Higgins, (360) 675-2303


This is a Catholic family fraternal service organization. Members are male parishioners at least 18 years of age. The Knights of Columbus objectives are the support of the Parish and its religious ministries.

Rich Mueller, (360) 675-2303


Lenten Soup Nights follow the Youth Stations of the Cross on the Thursdays during Lent. Parishioners bring their favorite soups to share with fellow parishioners. A collection of monies saved by this sharing is given to Operation Rice Bowl, part of Catholic Relief Services.

Pastoral Council, (360) 675-2303


The pancake breakfast is held on the first Sunday of the month between October and June after the 8:00 am Mass. We provide an atmosphere in which parishioners can meet and enjoy fellowship and good pancakes.

Jerry Selene, (360) 675-2303


The Pastoral Council is a consultative body to the Pastor. The purpose of the Council is to examine, consider and draw conclusions concerning matters under discussion in order to recommend a course of action to the Pastor.

It seeks to safeguard and promote the unity of the Parish and to assist in its growth and faith development.

Father Chris Hoiland, (360) 675-2303


We, the members of the Pro-Life Ministry of St. Augustine Catholic Church, envision a community that respects, protects, and celebrates life from conception to natural death. We shall seek to promote the culture of life and take action in defense of life against those who promote abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide.

We shall educate and enable our parishioners, especially our youth, to rally behind our cause and affirm the dignity and sanctity of human life where it is most vulnerable: the unborn, those at risk of euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Aligned with the existing pro-life ministries of our parish and our community, our pro-life advocacy shall center primarily on protecting the rights of the unborn and providing support for expectant mothers.

Geri Thomas (360) 675-2303


Readers proclaim the Scriptures at Saturday, Sunday, Holy Day, and weekday Masses and other liturgies as needed.

To serve in this ministry, one must be a baptized and confirmed member of the Catholic Church, a registered parishioner of St. Augustine Parish, regular (i.e., weekly) in Sunday worship, and living in harmony with the teachings of the Catholic Church (e.g., if a person is married he/she must be married in a marriage recognized by the Catholic Church).

Individuals who volunteer for this ministry are expected to have a facility for public reading and must be willing to spend time in private prayer and reflection on the Biblical passage that they will proclaim.

Lulu Santos, (360) 675-2303


The Rosary Makers make and send rosaries to mission territories around the world, prison programs and migrant workers. Materials and training are provided.

Lee Newman, (360) 675-2303


A Sacristan’s ultimate responsibility is to prepare the altar for Mass. Sacristans must be registered and active members of St. Augustine.

Active parishioners are those that contribute time, talent and/or financial support to the work of the parish on a regular basis. Sacristans must be fully initiated Catholics in good standing (participate faithfully in the celebration of the Eucharist).

Training is provided.

Mary A Waters, (360) 675-2303


The Guild assists at the Church Bazaar, helps with Santa Cruz de Mayo and Simbang Gabi and the First Communion reception. The Guild meets the third Friday of specific months.

Marci Mallari, (360) 675-2303


Ushers provide hospitable service at the Mass by helping to keep order and a sense of safety within the worshipping assembly.

Their tasks include:

Assisting parishioners with seating

Procuring the gift bearers for the Offertory procession

Escort parishioners to Communion

Handing out bulletins

Joe Higgins, (360) 675-2303


The Works of Mercy mission is to confirm our call to be witnesses to the values of charity and justice.

Parishioners contribute to fundraisers such as: Rummage sales, Silent auctions and special collections of school supplies and food for the Parish pantry.

We help those in crisis within our community and world.

Madeline Yakubchak, (360) 675-2303


Prepare and coordinate the Church and the overall environment of the church in conjunction with the liturgical calendar to enhance worship. Decorate for the various seasons and share your artistic talents.

Karen Montenegro, (360) 675-2303