Dear Parishioner

"How can I repay the Lord for all the great good done for me?" (Psalm 116:12)

Stewardship is recognizing that everything we have is a gift from God and out of gratitude for such generosity, we are called to share these gifts with others. It starts in our parish. Your financial pledge supports our church, our ministries, and the mission to help others encounter Jesus Christ.

You can return your Stewardship of Treasure pledge card by mail, collection basket, or you can pledge on line at

I thank you for your prayerful consideration and response.

Your gifts matter - and they are making a difference!

In Christ,

Fr. Chris Hoiland

St. Augustine & St. Mary Churches

Stewardship Videos

Arch Bishop Etienne on the Spirituality of Stewardship:

Parish Information

What's the Difference?

Annual Report

Stewardship Pledge Links

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Use your camera on your phone and scan the QR image above

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You will be directed to Seattle Archdiocese donation page.